If I upgrade to paid, can I watch entire YouTube videos (the ones available to me on a Thursday (USA)), rather than being blanked out after 7-8 minutes? And, if so, what do I do to make it work? I'm at a desktop.

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Hi Luciano, in the emails you get with the content there should be an Upgrade button- let me know if you do not see it. Or simply go to the Huddle Breakdown.com and click on a Paid artcile and you should have the same options. Let me know if any problems

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Sean from Belfast .... via Larne! Love the academic slant provided by Alan and james. Thats my background too and their insights from data analytics provide an essential element in our understanding of how the team performs. I l;ove it. Congrats to them both for all the hard graft they put into their support of this fantastic club. Hail! Hail!

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Thank you Sean very kind of you to say so and welcome!

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Hi, finally made it 🍀

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Trying to update subscription but not possible in the App. This friction will result in a loss or missed subscribers. I imagine it is on the development roadmap but should be number 1 priority

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I got there quick quickly but had the switch between the website and App which is never the smoothest.

Been using the App now for a few weeks and it isn’t the smoothest journey. My only paid subscription is with HB and seeing the updates and threads of chat are lost in the overall noise a bit.

Content is great but the platform isn’t yet

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Hi Gerry i prefer using the Web app myself but im an old codger! The chat will improve as we are opening it up to all subscribers. Hope you keep enjoying the content - let me know of any issues. Alan

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Hi guys, I find SubSlack difficult. I mainly follow the videos but struggle to find them here. I’ll keep subscribing to support you guys but wish I could view everything on YouTube. Sorry for the whinge but it’s my fav podcast & SubSlack is a turn off. Please make all videos available on YouTube, I think u would get more buy it. Thanks. Dermot

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Hi Dermot thanks but unfortunately we can’t without a whole new YouTube subscription model

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Hi Gerry - how is this issue manifesting? Do you have a screen shot? Are you using the mobile app or the web app? If you need to email any evidence of your issues you can send it to celticbynumbers@btinternet.com

Personally i find the web app far more functional, but that's just old fashioned me!

Let me know and we'll try and help if we can. And thanks. Alan

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Simply in the Apple App which will I think be 80% of your audience channel of choice. On a train now and the website not much clearer either. Though as. 52 year old I never rule out user error.

My experience in online and journey dev is that taking away friction is the panacea and should be 100% focus. Only started using Substack since guys are moving there and they have work to do if they are to survive and thrive

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Hi Gerry - it seems you were able to subscribe on 22nd Nov. Is everything ok for you now? thanks. Alan

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Gerry did your issue get resolved? I've been trying for over a week to subscribe but ended in loop of being asked for my email so that the system can send me a code but no code ever arrives. The only successful part of the process was the deduction of £60 from my bank account.

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Hi John assume as you are commenting ok that your access is sorted? Let me know if not - thanks , Alan

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Not yet Alan. I believe im commenting as a non-paying subscribed member. It's probably me Alan but please check it out when you have time. There is an issue in that your system tells me they will email me a link to log in or change password but mo email arrives.

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What is your email address so I can check? Thanks

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