Tierney finished the season in the operating theatre. His own Triple Treble of Young Player of the Year awards (PFA Scotland, Football Writers and Celtic) ended. He was hampered all season with hip issues and I expected his Report Card to evidence significant regression over last season. So, has it?
2018/19 Appearances
This season has seen a marked decrease in appearances and in all honesty, it should have been far fewer. He should have been treated much earlier. Izaguirre’s stats were fine and he would have been an adequate replacement.

Already a nailed on first pick at 22, this season has seen significant injury absence. Has it impacted performances?
2018/19 Defending
I expected his numbers to take a dive this season as he has visibly been struggling with movement.

Numbers are per 90m
In reality, he has maintained a consistent level of defensive performance. That being his primary function, it could be expected that this would be the part of his game to suffer least. Tierney’s numbers have always been distorted by the amount of attacking he does. For example, he gets tackled more than most defenders. That affects his DASR. Lustig, less dribbles and final third incursions, has a DASR of 69%, whereas Tierney’s is 53%. That is not to say Tierney is not a good defender of course which is why I add the context. He lost more tackles and saw a decline in aerial duel success. Perhaps indicative of lack of sharpness, he lost out possession as a result of defensive actions more often. On the plus side he rarely got dribbled past – a mere 0.03 times per 90m. He recovery rate of 1.36 possessions won back in Celtic’s defensive third is the second best by a full back (Toljan was on 1.91 – surprise!). Otherwise all his defensive numbers were broadly equivalent to last season despite the fitness issues.
2018/19 Creativity
Tierney’s value-add is his contribution to the final third. Fast paced runs, dribbles, well directed final third passes and occasional shots all make him a potent attacking threat from deep. But basic productivity is down:
16/17 2 goals and 12 assists
17/18 4 goals and 9 assists
18/19 1 goal and 7 assists
This is of course affected by amount of game time. If we look at creative action, we again see broad alignment with last season’s performances.

Numbers are per 90m
Assists and xA are very similar to last season and Chances Created is down fractionally. Pack Passing rates are holding up. He even attempted more Dribbles although the failure rate was higher. With 2.05 Possessions in the Opposition Box per 90m he had the most of any defender. Tierney attempted a lot more rosses and again the failure rate was higher even though the overall Cross Success% improved. Again, as with defensive performances, despite the injury restrictions, creative numbers have held up.
2018/19 Attacking Threat
Taking all the major attacking data together:

Numbers are per 90m
Tierney’s Expected Scoring Contribution (xSC) is actually higher than the 0.25 SC he achieved last season. His xSC held up well, but as with many Celts this season he has under performed versus Expected Goals and Assists. Consequently, the number of Possession per SC and minutes between each SC have increased significantly.
I was expected this to be a tale of gloom. A regressed season due to the club’s tardiness in dealing with obvious discomfort. Hopefully there will be no long terms repercussions for his health. Despite this Tierney’s performance numbers have broadly held as per last season. That is a remarkable testament to the determination and professional pride of the young man. He may be his own worst enemy is he himself has been delaying corrective medical action. Tierney has fought back from serious injury before and is clearly a strong and determined boy. When fit I’d expect a return to the upward performance trajectory.