The following shows those most involved in deeper creativity – that is – the establishing play before the final assist.
This is also known as the “why Ntcham matters” chart.
The graph maps Secondary Assists (the pass before the one that sets up the chance) and Pack Passes (forward passes that take out at least one opponent). Overall it is an indicator of positive ball progression.

Ntcham once again leads the field in Pack Passes per 90m. He is the most skilled at playing forward passes that remove opponents from the play. With McGregor not far behind, it illustrates that the transfer speculation concerning either or both of them leaving would radically weaken Celtic in this regard.
McGregor has the highest Secondary Assist rate. He provides 1.76 passes per 90 that allow a chance creating pass to follow.
Izaguirre also does well in this regard highlighting that Celtic may not only need an adequate replacement for Tierney, but also a decent back up.
Lustig, as I have covered many times, was the most consistently creative passer from the back.
Benkovic leads the defenders in terms of passes that take out opponents. Ajer’s passing, in comparison, is more conservative. Simunovic added this to his game over the season.
Rogic being firmly in the middle further emphasises his form regression.
Forrest not only led with assists, but was 3rd highest in Secondary Assists.
Forward players will not typically complete many Pack Passes due to their position on the pitch and because they are usually the intended recipients of such passes.
But the main take away once again is to show where Ntcham adds value, and to further emphasise the importance of McGregor.