Also a big thanks to Andrew for all the hard work producing the pods

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Great pod as always thankyou. Laura articulated beautifully my scrambled thoughts and disdain re the Sky pundits on Sunday. HH

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Outstanding rebuff by Laura and the Lads with regards to the Neanderthal comments from McGeddie and Boyd on Jotas heartfelt reaction.

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Jepp, should have used another explicative , maybe idiotic would have been better. No need of me to deride the Neanderthals, I apologise for that.

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I believe that we all carry neanderthal genes, the data states that this can vary by a couple of percent between individuals, whereas the eye test suggests that the swing can be far greater than that.

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That podcast theme tune, new headphones, bass-y banger!

Hells yeah' Alan! I had a strong response to those clownish Sky Sports studio comments. Well said about McGeady (IMHO a VERY over rated player) and 'His mum cannae spell his first name' Boyd. Disgraceful, fragile, toxic masculinity. Get tae Aiden, ya Elmer!

I love Jota and loved his response to that late goal. Don't you dare change to be more like Aiden. Aiden is not worth it, isn't half the player - step over all you like, if there is NO end product, and often there wasn't, who cares? - or man that Jota is. Pathetic.

Shame we didn't get KT on loan, Slotager, that Norwegian winger and Kvistagaarden but hey ho. Enough to win the league? Probably. Enough to win the Scottish Cup? Coin flip. Enough to progress further in the UCL? We could spent 30m a piece on 5 players and it would still be a stretch to get passed Bayern. What did we lose? Bedding in players for a few month before early UCL qualifier... this the bit I'm upset by. If we tie up a Kvistgaarden, winger and CB before the summer I'm mostly OK with it. LB and ST are very short, if Schlupp is first XI ready we are mostly fine in in ST, LB and LW btw.


AJ/Ralston CCV/Nawrocki(…yeesh) Trusty/Scales Schlupp/Taylor


Engels/Bernardo Hatate/McCowan

Kuhn/Forrest Idah/Kenny(…yeesh) Maeda/Jota

S'alright *IF* we have those players in early in the summer, not exactly building from a position of strength but if we get Kvistgaaden in the summer a good level developable winger, a centre-back, sign up Taylor or replace him and KT comes in without losing anyone significant? Decent progress. *IF* might be the biggest most significant word in the English language, eh?


AJ/Ralston CCV/Slotager Trusty/Scales KT/Taylor or Schlupp or A.N. Other


Engels/Bernardo Hatate/McCowan

Kuhn/Jota Kvistgaarden/Idah Ørjasæter(thanks Google)/Maeda

Permanently offload Yang, Nawrocki, Lagerbielke, Holm, Welsh, Kwon, Tilio and Palma.

I'd like a line breaking Hatate-type/upgrade too actually.

Woo hoo! Index!

Great pod, folks. Love it! IMHO THB (special mentions to Celtic Fans TV, On The Volley, Celtic AM and 20 Minute Tims) is the best fan media out there :D HH

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Thanks as ever guys.

Just on the Uefa financial rules, is there a flaw there with it being about wages/revenue on an annual basis? Surely if this is to protect clubs from over spending it should consider something longer term, and cash in the bank?

Feels wrong that we can't plan for UCL just in case we have one year without qualifying, when we've already built the cash reserve?

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Great content, loved the financial stuff. If only the club could organise a scouting set up as described by you guys.

A dedicated scouting section with data analysts, finance guys and actual on the ground scouts etc…surely someone at Celtic Park has had that thought?

Maybe not…

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Alan's point about Academy scouting... Doak, Vata, Kelly, Cummings... It's already happening to us. Often by clubs that have plenty of cash.

We need to have things in place to make the environment work for us and not against us.

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